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cutting pliers中文是什么意思

用"cutting pliers"造句"cutting pliers"怎么读"cutting pliers" in a sentence


  • 钢丝钳
  • 割线钳
  • 剪钳
  • 钳子
  • 切钳


  • Connection cover cutting pliers
  • Diagonal cutting pliers
  • Ligature cutting pliers
  • Pliers and nippers - lever assisted side cutting pliers , end and diagonal cutting nippers - dimensions ; identical with iso 5747 : 1984
  • Pliers and nippers - specification for dimensions of lever assisted side cutting pliers , end and diagonal cutting nippers
  • Could you please provide us a sealing ring ( a adjustable wrench , a round file , a triangle , a wrench , a socket wrench , a cutting pliers , a plastic hammer , some split cotters , some safety wire , chamois leather , a piece of rag , a bucket , a washer , screwdriver , clamps , pliers , flashlight )
    请给我们以供一个密封圈(活动扳手,圆挫,三角挫,万用扳手,刻丝钳,橡胶锤,一些开口销,一些保险丝,鹿皮布,一块抹布,油桶,垫片,螺丝刀,夹子,钳子,手电筒) 。
  • We are specialized in producing screwdriver , screwdriver set , ratchet screwdriver voltage tester , precision screwdriver , plier , long nose plier , bent nose plier , diagonal cutting plier , linesman plier , mini plier , end nipper plier , joint type plier , pearl nipper plier , extemal snap ring plier , fishing plier , multi - purpose combination plier , heavry duty pipe wrench , wrench , bolt cutter , and other combined tools
    公司专业生产螺丝刀,棘轮螺丝刀,老虎钳,螺丝刀套装,螺丝刀批头,电笔,钳类:钢丝钳,尖嘴钳,弯嘴钳,迷你钳. ,大力钳,断线钳,顶切钳,电缆钳,钓鱼钳,挡圈钳,水管钳,航空剪,扎线钳,胡桃钳,扳手,套筒,锉刀,和各类组合套装工具
用"cutting pliers"造句  


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